Introduction to Search

CSI 4106 - Fall 2024


Marcel Turcotte


Version: Nov 14, 2024 09:02


Quote of the Day

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Learning Objectives

  • Understand the role of search algorithms in AI, crucial for planning, reasoning, and applications like AlphaGo.

  • Grasp key search concepts: state space, initial/goal states, actions, transition models, cost functions.

  • Learn differences and implementations of uninformed search algorithms (BFS and DFS).

  • Comprehend informed search strategies and heuristic functions’ role in search efficiency.

  • Implement and compare BFS, DFS, and Best-First Search using the 8-Puzzle problem.

  • Analyze performance and optimality of various search algorithms.

Today’s focus is primarily on providing justification, as well as introducing key concepts and terminology.



Silver et al. (2016)


We have honed our expertise in machine learning to a point where we possess a robust understanding of neural networks and deep learning, allowing us to develop simple models using Keras.

. . .

In recent years, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) has played a pivotal role in advancing artificial intelligence research. After initially concentrating on deep learning, we are now shifting our focus to search.


The integration of deep learning and MCTS underpins modern applications such as AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and MuZero.

. . .

Search algorithms are crucial in addressing challenges in planning and reasoning and are likely to become increasingly significant in future developments.

Search (a biased timeline)

  • 1968 – A*: Heuristic-based search, foundational for pathfinding and planning in AI.
  • 1970s-1980s – Population-Based Algorithms (e.g., Genetic Algorithms): Stochastic optimization approaches useful for large, complex search spaces.
  • 1980s – Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs): Search in structured spaces with explicit constraints; a precursor to formal problem-solving systems.
  • 2013 – DQN: Reinforcement learning via search (Q-learning) from raw input (pixels).
  • 2015 – AlphaGo: Game-tree search with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) combined with deep learning.
  • 2017 – AlphaZero: Generalized self-play with MCTS in multiple domains.
  • 2019 – MuZero: Search in unknown environments without predefined models.
  • 2020 – Agent57: Generalized search across multiple environments (Atari games).
  • 2020 – AlphaGeometry: Search-based theorem proving in mathematical spaces.
  • 2021 – FunSearch: Potentially another generalization of search techniques.

AlphaGo - The Movie

Yes, AlphaGo successfully defeated the world champion, Lee Sedol. (1h 30m)


Attribution: MuZero: Mastering Go, chess, shogi and Atari without rules, Google DeepMind, 2020-12-23. Schrittwieser et al. (2020)

David Silver, a principal research scientist at DeepMind and a professor at University College London, is one of the leading researchers on these projects. He earned his PhD at the University of Alberta, where he was supervised by Richard Sutton.

You might also want to watch the following video: AlphaGo Zero: Discovering new knowledge. Posted on YouTube on 2017-10-18.



  • Pathfinding and Navigation: Used in robotics and video games to find a path from a starting point to a destination.
  • Puzzle Solving: Solving puzzles like the 8-puzzle, mazes, or Sudoku.
  • Network Analysis: Analyzing networks and graphs, such as finding connectivity or shortest paths in social networks or transportation maps.
  • Game Playing: Used to evaluate moves in games like chess or Go, especially when combined with other strategies.


  • Scheduling: Planning and scheduling tasks in manufacturing, project management, or airline scheduling.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocating resources in a network or within an organization where constraints must be satisfied.
  • Configuration Problems: Solving problems where a set of components must be assembled to meet specific requirements, such as configuring a computer system or designing a circuit.


  • Decision Making under Uncertainty: Used in real-time strategy games and simulations where decisions need to be evaluated under uncertain conditions.

  • Storrytelling: LLMs can effectively generate stories when guided by a valid input plan from an automated planner. (Simon and Muise 2024)

The applications of search algorithms are both numerous and diverse.

Search has been an active area of research not only because of its wide range of applications but also due to the potential for improvements in algorithms to significantly reduce program execution time or facilitate the exploration of larger search spaces.


  1. Deterministic & Heuristic Search: BFS, DFS, A* for pathfinding and optimization in classical AI.

  2. CSPs & Population-Based Algorithms: Focus on structured problems and stochastic search.

  3. Adversarial Game Algorithms: Minimax, alpha-beta pruning, MCTS for decision-making in competitive environments.

This lecture and the upcoming ones will thoroughly cover these topics.


When the correct action to take is not immediately obvious, an agent may need to to plan ahead: to consider a sequence of actions that form a path to a goal state. Such an agent is called a problem-solving agent, and the computational process it undertakes is called search.


An agent is an entity that performs actions. A rational agent is one that acts to achieve the “best” outcome. Conceptually, an agent perceives its environment through sensors and interacts with it using actuators.

The definition of an agent in artificial intelligence (AI) shares some similarities with the psychological definition, but there are key distinctions. In AI, an agent is an autonomous entity that perceives its environment through sensors and acts upon it using actuators to achieve specific goals. Both definitions involve perception, decision-making, and action.

However, while psychological agents are human or biological and involve complex cognitive and emotional processes, AI agents are computational and operate based on algorithms designed to maximize certain performance measures or achieve predefined objectives. The focus in AI is more on the technical implementation of these processes, whereas in psychology, the emphasis is on understanding the cognitive and motivational aspects of agency.

The concept of agentic design in software engineering and artificial intelligence has experienced a resurgence in popularity.

Environment Characteristics

  • Observability: Partially observable, or fully observable
  • Agent Composition: Single or multiple agents
  • Predictability: Deterministic or non-deterministic
  • State Dependency: Stateless or stateful
  • Temporal Dynamics: Static or dynamic
  • State Representation: Discrete or continuous

In this lecture, environments are assumed to be: fully observable, single agent, stateless, deterministic, static, and discrete.

The characteristics of an environment influence the complexity of problem-solving.

  • A fully observable environment allows the agent to detect all relevant aspects for decision-making.

  • In a deterministic environment, the agent can predict the next state based on the current state and its subsequent action.

  • Stateless (Episodic) Environments involve decisions or actions that are independent of prior actions, with experiences divided into unrelated episodes. An example is a classification problem.

  • Stateful (Sequential) Environments require that each action’s outcome can affect future decisions, as the sequence of actions impacts the state and subsequent choices. An example is a chess game.

  • A dynamic environment is characterized by changes in context while the agent is deliberating.

  • Chess serves as an example of a discrete environment, with a finite, though large, number of states. In contrast, an autonomous vehicle operates within a continuous-state and continuous-time environment.

Problem-Solving Process

Search: The process involves simulating sequences of actions until the agent achieves its goal. A successful sequence is termed a solution.

A precise formulation facilitates the development of reusable code.

An environment characterized as stateless, single-agent, fully observable, deterministic, static, and discrete implies that the solution to any problem within this context is a fixed sequence of actions.

  • Stateless: Each decision is independent of previous actions, meaning the solution does not depend on history.
  • Single Agent: There is no interaction with other agents that could introduce variability.
  • Fully Observable: The agent has complete information about the environment, allowing for precise decision-making.
  • Deterministic: The outcome of actions is predictable, with no randomness affecting the result.
  • Static: The environment does not change over time, so the conditions remain constant.
  • Discrete: The environment has a finite number of states and actions, enabling a clear sequence of steps.

I anticipate that you are already familiar with these concepts, and thus, this initial lecture primarily serves as a review.

Search Problem Definition

  • A collection of states, referred to as the state space.

  • An initial state where the agent begins.

  • One or more goal states that define successful outcomes.

  • A set of actions available in a given state \(s\).

  • A transition model that determines the next state based on the current state and selected action.

  • An action cost function that specifies the cost of performing action \(a\) in state \(s\) to reach state \(s'\).


  • A path is defined as a sequence of actions.
  • A solution is a path that connects the initial state to the goal state.
  • An optimal solution is the path with the lowest cost among all possible solutions.

We assume that the path cost is the sum of the individual action costs, and all costs are positive. The state space can be conceptualized as a graph, where the nodes represent the states and the edges correspond to the actions.

In certain problems, multiple optimal solutions may exist. However, it is typically sufficient to identify and report a single optimal solution. Providing all optimal solutions can significantly increase time and space complexity for some problems.

Example: 8-Puzzle


  • How can the states be represented?

  • What constitutes the initial state?

  • What defines the actions?

  • What would constitute a path?

  • What characterizes the goal state?

  • What would constitute a solution?

  • What should be the cost of an action?

  • Each state can be represented as a list containing the numbers 0 to 8. Each number corresponds to a tile, and its position in the list reflects its location in the grid, with 0 denoting the blank space.

  • The initial state is a permutation of the numbers 0 to 8.

  • Actions include left, right, up, and down, which involve sliding an adjacent tile into the blank space.

  • A path would be a sequence of actions, say left, left, up.

  • The transition model maps a given state and action to a new state. Not all actions are feasible from every state; for instance, if the blank space is at the edge of the grid, only certain moves are possible, such as down, up, or left.

  • The goal state is achieved when the list is ordered from 1 to 8, followed by 0, indicating that the tiles are arranged correctly. How many goal states are there?

  • A solution would be a valid path transforming an initial state into a goal state.

  • Each action incurs a cost of 1.

How many possible states are there?

There are 9! = 362,880 states. Brut force is feasible.

How many states are there for the 15-Puzzle?

15! = 1,307,674,368,000 (1.3 trillion)!

Search Tree

A search tree is a conceptual tree structure where nodes represent states in a state space, and edges represent possible actions, facilitating systematic exploration to find a path from an initial state to a goal state.

The search algorithms we examine today construct a search tree, where each node represents a state within the state space and each edge represents an action.

It is important to distinguish between the search tree and the state space, which can be depicted as a graph. The structure of the search tree varies depending on the algorithm employed to address the search problem.

Search Tree

An example of a search tree for the 8-Puzzle. The solution here is incomplete.

Search Tree

  • The root of the search tree represents the initial state of the problem.

  • Expanding a node involves evaluating all possible actions available from that state.

  • The result of an action is the new state achieved after applying that action to the current state.

  • Similar to other tree structures, each node (except for the root and leaf nodes) has a parent and may have children.

A distinctive feature of a search algorithm is its method for selecting the next node to expand.


Any state corresponding to a node in the search tree is considered reached. Frontier nodes are those that have been reached but have not yet been expanded. Above, there are 10 expanded nodes and 11 frontier nodes, resulting in a total of 21 nodes that have been reached.


In the 8-Puzzle, four actions are possible: slide left, right, up, or down. The search can be visualized on a grid: purple nodes: expanded states, green nodes: frontier states (reached but not expanded).

The diagrams correspond to the search tree presented on the previous page. For example, the initial state can be expanded using three actions: slide left, right, and up. Node (2, 3) can only be expanded by sliding down, while node (3, 3) can be expanded by sliding left and down.




  • Justification for Studying Search
  • Key Terminology and Concepts
  • Uninformed Search Algorithms
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
    • Depth-First Search (DFS)
  • Implementations
  • Justification for Studying Search:
    • Emphasized the shift from solely focusing on machine learning to incorporating search algorithms.
    • Highlighted the role of search in advanced AI systems like AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and MuZero.
    • Noted that search algorithms are crucial for planning, reasoning, and will be increasingly significant.
  • Historical Timeline of Search Algorithms:
    • Presented a biased timeline from 1968’s A* algorithm to recent developments like MuZero and Agent57.
    • Showed the evolution from heuristic-based search to integrating deep learning with search methods.
  • Applications of Search:
    • Pathfinding and Navigation: Finding optimal paths in robotics and games.
    • Puzzle Solving: Solving problems like the 8-puzzle and Sudoku.
    • Network Analysis: Analyzing connectivity and shortest paths in networks.
    • Game Playing: Evaluating moves in games like chess or Go.
    • Scheduling and Resource Allocation: Planning tasks and allocating resources efficiently.
    • Configuration Problems: Assembling components to meet specific requirements.
    • Decision Making under Uncertainty: Making decisions in dynamic and uncertain environments.
    • Storytelling: Guiding language models with plans from automated planners.
  • Key Terminology and Concepts:
    • Agent: An entity that performs actions to achieve goals.
    • Environment Characteristics: Fully observable, single-agent, deterministic, static, and discrete environments were focused on.
    • Search Problem Definition:
      • State Space: All possible states.
      • Initial State: Where the agent starts.
      • Goal State(s): Desired outcome(s).
      • Actions: Possible moves from a state.
      • Transition Model: Rules determining state changes.
      • Action Cost Function: Cost associated with actions.
  • Uninformed Search Algorithms:
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS):
      • Explores the search space level by level.
      • Guarantees the shortest path but can be memory-intensive.
      • Implemented using a queue.
    • Depth-First Search (DFS):
      • Explores as deep as possible along each branch before backtracking.
      • Less memory usage but may not find the shortest path.
      • Implemented using a stack.
  • Implementing Uninformed Search:
    • Used the 8-Puzzle as an example problem.
    • Represented states as lists of numbers, with 0 as the blank tile.
    • Demonstrated BFS and DFS implementations in Python.
    • Showed that BFS found the optimal solution in more iterations, while DFS found a suboptimal solution faster.
  • Limitations of Uninformed Search:
    • Inefficient for large or complex problems due to exhaustive nature.
    • Lack of domain knowledge leads to unnecessary exploration.

Next lecture

  • We will further explore heuristic functions and examine additional search algorithms.


Russell, Stuart, and Peter Norvig. 2020. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 4th ed. Pearson.
Schrittwieser, Julian, Ioannis Antonoglou, Thomas Hubert, Karen Simonyan, Laurent Sifre, Simon Schmitt, Arthur Guez, et al. 2020. Mastering Atari, Go, chess and shogi by planning with a learned model.” Nature 588 (7839): 604–9.
Silver, David, Aja Huang, Chris J. Maddison, Arthur Guez, Laurent Sifre, George van den Driessche, Julian Schrittwieser, et al. 2016. Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search.” Nature 529 (7587): 484–89.
Simon, Nisha, and Christian Muise. 2024. “Want To Choose Your Own Adventure? Then First Make a Plan.” Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Marcel Turcotte

[email protected]

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

University of Ottawa